Delonghi ECP3630 Vs ECP3420: Are There Any Smart Features?

Delonghi ECP3630 Vs ECP3420

This Delonghi ECP3630 Vs ECP3420 matchup boils down to whether either has any extra smart function. The ECP3630 comes out victorious thanks to its steam wand and thermostats.

With them, your milk-based coffee drinks will be more consistent. The steam wand has two frothing modes: Cappuccino and Hot milk. It also has a separate thermostat to keep the temperature and pressure in check.

The ECP3240 is not very far from behind, with some similar specifications and features. What costs it this match-off is the lack of programmability.

Delonghi ECP3630 Vs ECP3420 – Differences

They are similar in almost every aspect. Matter of fact, you will get the same manual if you buy either of them. Their job is to reduce human errors and make your drinks come out perfect every time.

The former model is just the other one plus some extra frothing features. However, the latter unit is still a very good choice. It performs almost as well as the other machine and is more affordable. It is just a little more hands-on.

Going head-to-head with each other in this comparison review, the Delonghi ECP3630 comes out on top with a 2-0 score.

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Coffee Brewing Quality

The Winner: Delonghi ECP3630

I give this round to the ECP3630. Even though it has the same brewing system as its opponent, the model is more precise with milk-based beverages and temperature control.

It is because of its specialized steam wand. It has a mode for Cappuccino. I will get into the details in the next section.

Besides its pre-programmed steam wand, there is a separate thermostat for its frothing system. The machine can control the water and steam pressure separately with it.

A common problem for home use espresso makers is maintaining pressure along with temperature between shots and steaming sequences. With a single boiler, the machines may have a problem doing so.

Separate thermostats will help your steam system maintain a higher temperature without overheating the water for extraction. Overheated water often brings an undesirable bitter taste to your coffee.

Two thermostats are not as good as two boilers. However, it will make your small-scale single boiler home espresso maker go a long way.

Milk System

The Winner: Delonghi ECP3630

There is a diversion in their frothing capability. The ECP3630 has a two-mode Panarello steam wand. There is a Cappuccino mode and a Hot milk one.

As you guessed, the first mode is for cappuccino microfoam. The second mode makes steamed milk with less to no foam. It is intended for drinks with more milk, such as latte and flat white, or a nice warm cup of milk.

The ECP3420 also has a tube-like steam wand with a metal sleeve which is suitable for a small-scale unit. It is because the sleeve will help the machine to create milk foam easier by adding air circulation.

To use this steam wand, submerge half of it in a third-full milk pitcher. When the milk doubles its volume, raise the pitcher so the milk covers the air hole on your steam wand. It is done when the pitcher is too hot to keep your hand on its side.

This model does not come with a pre-programmed frothing function. It will be quite a guesswork for inexperienced users.

For the above reasons, I give this round to the machine with a specialized steam wand.

Design And Material

The Winner: Its A Tie

Both of these machines are semi-automatic. That means you do not pump water into the portafilter with a lever but with a switch or a button. However, you still need to time the extraction duration yourself.

With these espresso makers, you do so by turning the selector knob to the dispensing position then back to the On position. Depending on your grind size, the extraction time can be more or less than 25 seconds.

They also share other features, such as a self-priming function, a removable two-tier drip tray, and three different filters (an Easy-Serving-Espresso pod filter included).

There is also a difference in their housing material. While its opponent has a black plastic housing, the ECP3630 uses stainless steel for all of its exteriors.

This design choice does not equal a clear upper hand in durability. The stainless steel is not very high quality. It is still something worth considering for decorative purposes.

Cleaning And Maintenance

The Winner: Its A Tie

The two models require the same amount of care. Regular cleaning tasks include cleaning the drip tray, the filters, the group head, the water tank, and descaling.

Their boilers are stainless steel. This material is highly durable and has the highest resistance to corrosion among common boiler materials. These units can pull 200 shots before requiring a descale session.

There is an extra step in cleaning the steam wand of the ECP3630. After removing the metal sleeve and the rubber nozzle, you have to move a ring upward to clean the hole in the steam tube.

With the ECP3420, that hole is available to clean right after you take out the rubber nozzle.

That extra step is not significant so I believe this is a tied round.

Quick Rundown: Delonghi ECP3630

Delonghi ECP3630 Vs ECP3420

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  • Pre-programmed steam wand
  • Separate thermostats for water and the steam wand
  • All stainless steel housing
  • Three filters
  • Intuitive control scheme
  • Short initial heating duration


  • No program for espresso shots
  • No customization
  • No built-in grinder
  • No weighted tamper

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A Quick Rundown: Delonghi ECP3420

Delonghi ECP3630 Vs ECP3420

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  • Self-priming feature
  • A sleek looking compact design
  • Two-tier drip tray for extra cup clearance
  • Accommodate coffee pods
  • Reliable selector knob


  • Lacks specialized frothing programs
  • Harder to control pressure and temperature
  • Require a grinder for freshly ground coffee
  • Insubstantial tamper

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